Planning Permission
Planning Permission
When you’re granted permission by a Local Planning Authority to build on a specific area of land – this is known as Planning Permission. It’s a crucial and unavoidable part of the self build or custom build process that requires the type of expert advice and long experience you’ll find at BuildStore.
Dependent upon the type and complexity of your project there may be a variety of outline and detailed planning permission stages, where certain conditions or restrictions may be included in the agreement.
This means you’ll be restricted to building only what has been expressly agreed on any given plot of land. Documentation for agreements like Outline Planning Permission (OPP), Detailed Planning Permission (DPP), and Full Planning Permission (FPP) should be carefully scrutinised to ensure a clear understanding about what is in scope and what is out of scope in your agreement with the Local Planning Authority.
The types of planning permission you might obtain are below:
- Outline planning permission grants approval on the principle that the land can be developed. It can be obtained with a simple site plan, which could be nothing more than a copy of the Ordinance Survey map, with a red line drawn around the curtilage of the plot.
- Detailed planning permission or Approval of Reserved Matters as it is more properly called, deals with the actual design of the proposed dwelling, its siting, and the type of external materials that it will be constructed with.
- Full planning permission rolls the outline and detailed stages together into one application. Up until the autumn of 2005, most consents were granted for five years, but since then most consents in England & Wales now last for only three years. It is, however, up to the council to set their own time limits.
Contact BuildStore today to find out how we can help you through the maze of planning permission and how we’ve helped over 20,000 people in the UK to finance their build projects.