Why BuildStore?
Exclusive Lenders
Finding lenders that have an appetite or any understanding of homebuilding projects can be tricky. But that's certainly not a problem you'll experience with BuildStore.
Our extensive panel of exclusive lenders consists largely of building societies and all of them, true to their roots, are keen to help you build a home. The reason they lend exclusively through BuildStore, is our unbeatable experience and watertight process - supporting you every step of the way.
Traditional mortgages usually offer a repayment option and interest only payments are only available if you have a very strong repayment vehicle. However, due to the nature of self build, BuildStore's lenders will allow interest only repayments during the build term, to keep your monthly payments down.
You can also live in your current home during the build, because our lenders understand that you need to stay somewhere, whether that’s in your current home, renting, or living onsite, and they will factor this into their affordability calculations. It’s very rare with a traditional mortgage for lenders to allow you to have more than one residential property at any one time.
Another key difference is that all applications are dealt with on a case by case basis. We work with Building Societies who manually underwrite every case so there is no 'computer says no'. If you don’t meet a traditional high street lender’s criteria, your application will be automatically declined by a computer system. With a self build lender, a human underwriter will manually assess your case and its merits to make an overall decision, because this type of mortgage simply isn't as black & white as a traditional mortgage.